Thursday, December 31, 2009

Agenda packets on-line

The January 6, 2010 City Council agenda packet is posted on this page. Due to its filesize, it takes a few moments to open. Make sure you click on the 2010 page link.

The January 4, 2010 Budget Committee agenda packet is posted on this page:

I wish a wonderful and safe New Year's Holiday weekend to everyone!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dec. 16th City Council meeting

The agenda and packet for the next regular City Council meeting on December 16th are now posted on this page:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Budget Committee meeting Dec. 7th

The City Council's Budget Committee will next meet on December 7th at 6:30 p.m. The agenda and packet can be accessed on this page:

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sonoma named first 'Cittaslow' City in the U.S.

Click to read the press release from Cittaslow Sonoma Valley. Cittaslow was inspired in Europe by the Slow Food movement and encompasses quality of life, localism, sustainability and preservation of cultural heritage. Thank you to resident Virginia Hubbell for spearheading this effort! It is an honor for Sonoma to be named among the world's highest quality of life communities.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

City Invites Proposals for Farmers' Market management

The City invites proposals for management of its Tuesday Night Farmers' Market in the Plaza. The request for proposals is at this link:

Proposals are due Dec. 21st.

Dec. 2nd Council meeting agenda

The agenda and packet for the City Council's December 2nd meeting are now posted on the City website at this page:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Budget Committee formed

In order to address the ongoing fiscal challenges of the recession, the City Council has formed a Budget Committee. Click to view the new Budget Committee webpage. The next meeting of the Committee is Monday, Dec. 7th at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the public.

Shop Locally - Shop Sonoma Day proclaimed!

For the second year in a row, the City has declared the Day After Thanksgiving, Nov. 27th, as Shop Sonoma Day, in an effort to remind everyone of the multiple benefits of shopping LOCALLY this holiday season. Click to read the proclamation and all of the good reasons to shop in town!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Special meeting - Farmers' Market

The City Council will meet in a special meeting on Monday, Nov. 23rd at 6pm to review the draft request for proposals for the Tuesday night Farmers' Market. The meeting agenda and packet are on this page:

Friday, November 13, 2009

City Council agenda for Nov. 18th meeting

The November 18th agenda and packet materials are now posted on the City website on this page:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sonoma Disaster Council meeting next week

The Sonoma Disaster Council will meet on Thursday, November 12th and will hear an update on the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic. Click to read the agenda.

Friday, October 30, 2009

City Council agenda for Nov. 4th meeting

The November 4th City Council agenda and packet are now posted on this page:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sonoma named Bicycle-Friendly Community!

Click to read the press release.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mayor's Office Hours changing for the Fall season

Please click to read the press release.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Oct. 21st Agenda Packet

The agenda and packet materials for the next regular City Council meeting of Oct. 21st are now available on this page:

Disaster Preparedness Drill

Please click to read the press release regarding our earthquake drill held on Oct. 15th.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Agenda packet for 10/7 Council meeting

The agenda and packet materials for the October 7th City Council meeting are available on this page:
This is a late posting since our City website was down for a few days.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sept. 30th Budget packet posted

The agenda and packet for the special meeting of Wed., September 30th at 6pm is now available here:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Class for Bike Riders

Click and read the flyer for a free class for cyclists on Saturday, Sept. 26th. We look forward to your participation!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept. 16th Council meeting

The agenda and packet for the City Council meeting of September 16th are now posted on the following page:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan reviewed - seeking input

The City is updating its plan for dealing with natural hazards, which is a requirement of FEMA and to ensure that we are taking appropriate steps to address potential community hazards. Please see the press release regarding the Disaster Council meeting this week on this topic. The draft Plan can be viewed here

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Participate in The Big Rumble

See attached letter regarding how your business, group or community organization can participate in The Big Rumble earthquake preparedness event on Oct. 15th.

Friday, August 28, 2009

September 2nd Council meeting

The agenda and packet for the September 2nd City Council meeting are now available on line at the following page

This packet contains the latest version of the City's draft budget, which will be considered by Council.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sign up for an Emergency Preparedness Class!

The next community training session for the Sonoma Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies (SCOPE) will be held on Friday, August 28th and there is still time to register. The course is free and there is no better time to be prepared than now! Click here for more details:

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 19th Agenda Packet

The agenda and packet materials for the City Council's August 19th meeting are now posted on the following page:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Don't flush unwanted medication!

The City of Sonoma would like to remind everyone that pharmaceuticals are not to be disposed of in landfills or in our water supply. Safe disposal of medications is available at participating drop-off locations listed below. Bring any unwanted medication (in original containers with personal information marked out) to any participating location for safe disposal during business hours. (Please, no ointments or liquids.)
While wastewater treatment removes most pollutants, trace amounts of some substances may be harmful to aquatic life. Over the last decade there is growing evidence that pharmaceuticals, when flushed down the toilet, tend to persist in highly treated wastewater. Continual, multi-generational exposure of aquatic life to multiple pharmaceuticals is proving to have negative consequences on our environment.
Drop off your unused medicines at your local participating pharmacy:
• CVS/Long’s Drugs
201 West Napa St.
• Rite Aide/Maxwell Village Shopping Center
19205 Sonoma Hwy.
• Safeway Pharmacy
477 West Napa St.
This program is sponsored by the Sonoma County Water Agency.

Friday, July 31, 2009

August Council meeting

The City Council meeting scheduled for the first Wednesday in August has been cancelled for a summer break. The next regular City Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 19th at 6 pm.

Monday, July 27, 2009

National Night Out - Aug. 4th

Please click to read the press release regarding a night to heighten awareness for community safety.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Budget piece

Here is something I wrote and submitted to the local paper today:

And we continue to wait

Along with numerous State agencies and departments, California’s 480 cities remain in a wait and see mode regarding the adoption of the State of California’s budget. The latest plan rumored from the closed door budget meetings is that the State will be taking away a greater share of city redevelopment funds than previously anticipated, is seriously considering borrowing local property taxes, and will be taking the local share of gas taxes.

Our own City Council/Community Development Agency Board held two budget workshops in June. Based on the issues facing the City and Agency with respect to reliable revenue forecasts being hampered by a delay in the County Auditor’s property tax estimates, and the State budget situation that is still unsettled, our City Council elected the prudent course of adopting a continuing budget resolution to authorize routine expenditures in lieu of an adopted and authorized City and CDA budgets for Fiscal Year 2009-10. This move was unprecedented in the recently history of the City and reflects the extreme uncertainty that continues to exist regarding potential State takings of local tax dollars to balance the State budget.

We continue to wait, watch, and lobby for outcomes that will not devastate our local communities. Cities are mandated to provide for local police and fire protection, building safety, land use and street maintenance for our own communities, yet we cannot plan budgets for these services if the State’s financial unpredictability continues from year to year without a systemic change to address the ongoing revenue and expenditure imbalance.

Our City Council and our community has many projects in the balance and many needs. We have great ambitions as a community, projects to start, buildings to upgrade, programs to continue, and needs to be met. These all take careful planning and analysis for the future, to utilize our decreased revenue and resources in the wisest manner possible. Doing this absent the reliable resource forecasting required is near impossible in the current State budget climate.

Everyone asks for answers, and I tell them that the last thing I can give is certainty in the face of this State budget uncertainty. While our community means everything to us, Sonoma is a very small player in the overall scheme of the State’s decision-making process. We look for strength in numbers by rallying together with our partner cities through the League of California Cities and use our collective voice to lobby for maintenance of a predictable local revenue stream. We are not asking the State for more money, rather, we just want them to allow us to keep what is ours already under the State constitution. Most communities that chose to incorporate as cities did so for local self-determination of land use and locally-determined service levels. With the State pulling the strings as of late, and keeping us all nervously guessing, cities’ futures end up at the behest of a larger, centrally-controlled bureaucracy. Local democracy, including decisions about where to spend locally-generated tax dollars, is not able to thrive under these ominous conditions.

I appreciate the community’s understanding and patience during this time of watching and waiting. Once the State budget chips fall, we will regroup and determine how we will move forward in this difficult budget year.

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 15th Agenda Packet

The agenda and packet for the City Council meeting of July 15th are now posted on line at the following link:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sonoma Disaster Council meeting

The next regular meeting of the Sonoma Disaster Council will be held on Thursday, July 9th and everyone is welcome to attend. Click to view the agenda.

Friday, June 26, 2009

July 1st Council meeting

The agenda and packet materials for the City Council's regular meeting of July 1st are now available on this page:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Budget Workshop #2

The City's second Budget Workshop is set for Monday the 22nd at 3 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room. The packet is available on this page:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 17th agenda

There is a glitch on our City website right now which is preventing the June 17th packet upload from displaying on the web. I cannot post pdfs to this blog, but here is an image of the agenda for your info. If you need the packet emailed to you, please email me at and I'll email it to you. We should have the website fixed on Monday the 15th. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 17th Budget Workshop and agenda packet

The agenda and packet for the June 17th budget workshop at 4:30 and the regular meeting at 6:00 are now posted on this page:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Save your city's local funding!

Click to read the details of the League's Budget Action Day in Sacramento.

Friday, May 29, 2009

June 3rd Council meeting

The City Council agenda and packet materials for the meeting of June 3rd are posted on the following page:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Water Conservation Letter

This letter was recently mailed to all customers, urging water conservation in this time of Stage 2 Mandatory Water Conservation.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Disaster Council meeting report

The Sonoma Disaster Council met on May 14th and received 2 presentations.

Mark Netherda, Deputy Health Officer, Sonoma County, updated the council on the H1N1 Swine Flu. The detailed presentation included the method of transmission for this novel virus, history of pandemics world wide, and the five levels of criteria used to assess the severity of influenza to determine proper mobilization of resources to treat and control the disease. The good news for H1N1 is the rate of transmission is much lower than expected at this time. For more information, visit their website at

2-1-1 Call Centers Activated: Bill Myatt, Program Director of Sonoma County, reported on the level of response being received at call centers now that 2-1-1 was activated three months ago. While 911 is for emergencies, 2-1-1 callers can access many community services such as support for families, seniors and persons with disabilities, physical and mental health resources, and food and clothing to name a few. Prior to the 2-1-1 call centers going “live”, of those calls made to 911, only 35,000 out of 200,000 calls were real emergencies. Currently 2-1-1 services cover 85% of California with rural areas not yet covered; the goal is to have total coverage by 2012. So far in 2009, 14 million calls have been received nationwide, including Canada. With an excellent routing system, callers can be routed to different call centers (i.e. during the Louisiana hurricanes, calls were routed to Los Angles and San Francisco. Call Centers operate 24-7, 365 days a week.) During challenging economic times, the volume of calls has far exceeded what was anticipated. More information is available at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Redevelopment workshop

The City Council will hold a redevelopment workshop on Wednesday, May 13th at 6 p.m. in the Police Station Training Room/ Emergency Operations Center. The agenda is located here:

Friday, May 8, 2009

City Updates Disaster Plan

The City Council adopted a significant update to its Emergency Operations Plan. The Sonoma Disaster Council will hold its next meeting on May 14th and will hear an update on the Swine Flu issue. Click the press release for more information.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Climate Protection Conference in Sonoma

On May 7th, the City of Sonoma is hosting the Climate Protection - Everybody Profits Conference at the Veterans Memorial Building here in Sonoma. All are invited to attend!
Click here for more info.

The City of Sonoma and the Sonoma Ecology Center have been working with leaders around the county since August to bring world-class speakers and panelists to Sonoma for this fifth annual Climate conference. This year's conference has a slightly different focus. In addition to offering a showcase for actions to take in here and in the county to reduce our carbon footprint, we will present information on likely climate impacts and responses that might address these impacts. It also features a Sonoma-grown meal. We hope you can make it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 6th City Council meeting

The agenda and packet materials for the May 6th Council meeting are now posted on this page:

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Flu Information references

With the swine flu outbreak in the news, I thought the following might be helpful reminders.

Link to Sonoma County Health Department page on pandemic flu:

Federal government website on pandemic flu:

The City’s SCOPE booklet contains reminders on page 22 regarding limiting the spread of disease:

Today’s Press-Democrat article:

The County is asking anyone who has returned from Mexico within the last 10 days, and has flu-like symptoms, to see their doctor.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Climate Action Programs - read all about it

The City of Sonoma's Earth Day PowerPoint presentation is now posted at this link:

This was prepared for the City's National Conversation on Climate Action event held on April 22nd.

Monday, April 20, 2009

This Wednesday! National Conversation on Climate Action

The City is hosting an ICLEI Conversation on Climate Action this Earth Day - Wed., April 22nd from 6-8 pm. Click on the flyer to learn more info.

Friday, April 10, 2009

April 15th Agenda Packet posted

The agenda and packet for the regular City Council meeting of April 15th are now posted at the following page:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sonoma opts into Energy Efficiency Program AB811

Click to read the press release - the City of Sonoma was the first city to adopt an agreement allowing our residents to apply for energy efficiency loans through the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

April 1st Council Meeting

The agenda and packet for the next City Council meeting on Wednesday, April 1st are now posted on this page:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

National Conversation on Climate Action

Click to view the April 22nd Earth Day event planned in the City of Sonoma.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Council meeting agendas

The agendas and packets for the regular City Council meeting of March 18th and the special City Council meeting regarding the housing element, jointly with the Planning Commission, of March 19th, are available for download from this page:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Joint Council meeting with Valley of the Moon Water District

The City Council will hold a joint meeting with the VOM Water District on Wednesday, March 11 at 6 p.m. at the Fire Station. The agenda includes discussions on water conservation, water supply levels, water recycling and updates regarding recent Water Agency negotiations and related issues. The meeting is open to the public.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Water Wisdom Workshop a success!

Associate Planner Wendy Atkins, one of the primary coordinators of the Water Wisdom Workshop, held at the Vet’s building last Saturday, gave this report: “The Water Wisdom Workshop was a success. We had over 200 members of the public come to the event to learn about water conservation techniques from vendors and speakers. The highlight of the event was observing 40 people in the speaker room listening to Carrie Pollard’s presentation on rebates to assist the public becoming more water efficient. I received positive feedback from the public on the quality of the speakers and the topics.” The workshop was developed in partnership with the City of Sonoma, the Sonoma County Water Agency, the Valley of the Moon Water District, the Sonoma Ecology Center, and the Napa County Resource Conservation District. Congratulations to Wendy and thanks to Joe Burroughs for his participation and to the Public Works Department for also coordinating.

City Council Meeting March 4th

The March 4th City Council agenda and packet are now posted on this page:

Housing Element Workshop March 3rd

The next Community Workshop for the Housing Element will take place on Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:30 p.m. Click here for more info.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Next City Council meeting

The next regular City Council meeting will be held on March 4th and the packet will be posted on line on Friday, Feb. 27th.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Water Workshop - this Saturday the 21st

We are hosting a Water Wisdom Workshop on Saturday, February 21 - for more information click here

Friday, February 13, 2009

Agenda for City Council meeting - Feb. 18th

The agenda and packet documents for the next regular City Council meeting on Wednesday, February 18th at 6 p.m. are now posted on-line at:

Highlights of the agenda include the Mid-year Budget Update, a new Water Conservation ordinance and a new Green Building ordinance.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Joint meeting with Hospital District Feb. 11

Tonight, Feb. 11th at 6 p.m., the City Council will hold a joint meeting with the Sonoma Valley Healthcare District at the Fire Station. The meeting is open to the public. Click to view the agenda.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mayor Announces Office Hours

Mayor Ken Brown will be holding office hours on a regular basis in order to give residents the opportunity to meet with him one-on-one to discuss their concerns and city-related issues.

Mayor Brown has set up office hours at City Hall, No. 1 The Plaza, in the downstairs Council office every Tuesday between 1 and 2 p.m. from February 10 until April 7. Residents interested in meeting with the Mayor to discuss any concerns with the City are invited to stop in during that time. No appointment is necessary. Beginning April 7, when the Farmers Market starts up, the Mayor will be available and will be found at a table set up on the lawn in front of City Hall during the market.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Water Conservation News

Click to read the press release. Also note that the City has set up a new email address specifically for residents to email the City of Sonoma with ideas to save water, water conservation questions, and to report water waste. The email is The City encourages input and ideas on how we can all save water during this water shortage.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Council agenda for February 4th meeting

The City Council agenda and packet documents for the regular meeting of February 4th are now posted on-line on this page:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Free Energy Efficiency Workshops!

The City of Sonoma and PG&E are hosting two energy efficiency workshops in February - one for your home and one for businesses. Click to view the flyers.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fire JPA Executive Board Meeting

The Sonoma Valley Fire & Rescue Authority will hold an Executive Board meeting on Monday, Jan. 26th at 6 p.m. Click on the document to view the 2-page agenda.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Community watching of inauguration

Community members and City staff came to watch the Presidential inauguration in this morning in the Community Meeting Room. Here are a few photos I took!

Free Energy Efficiency Workshops - Save the date!

The City is hosting two free energy efficiency workshops, sponsored by PG&E.
A residential workshop will be held on Saturday, February 7th from 10-11am at the Community Meeting Room, and a business workshop will be held on Thursday, February 12th from 9-10:30am at the Sonoma Valley Inn. I will post a flyer with more information here as soon as it becomes available.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Housing Element Workshop

A Housing Element Workshop is being held the evening of Jan. 22nd. Click the link to view the flyer for more information:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Council agenda for Jan. 21st meeting

The agenda and packet for the January 21st City Council meeting are now posted on line on the following page:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Council meeting on Jan. 21st

The agenda and packet materials for the City Council meeting of January 21st will be posted on line on Friday, Jan. 16th.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Community Viewing of Inauguration

The inauguration of the President-elect and Vice-President-elect takes place officially at Noon (EST) on Tuesday, January 20th, 9 a.m. our time. We are opening up the Community Meeting Room at 177 First Street West for a “community viewing” of the inauguration.

Everyone is welcome to join in this non-partisan patriotic event! We probably will open the room around 8:30 a.m. on the 20th.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Water Wisdom Workshop

The City of Sonoma and Valley of the Moon Water District have been working together with the Sonoma Ecology Center, Napa Resource Conservation District, and Southern Sonoma County Resource Conservation District to organize a Water Wisdom Workshop. The event will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial Building located at 126 First Street West in the City of Sonoma on Saturday, February 21st from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The purpose of the event is to educate Sonoma and Napa Valley residents on the importance of conserving water. Speakers will present on a variety of water topics throughout the day; including: conservation, greywater, irrigation, creek stewardship, runoff and many other exciting water topics. Vendor booths will display water products, show off new innovations, and inform the public on their uses. In addition, vendors have been asked to send bilingual staff so many translators will be on hand to answer questions.

For more information, please contact Wendy Atkins, Stormwater Coordinator, City of Sonoma, at 933-2204

Friday, January 2, 2009

Census 2010 Jobs

The U.S. Census 2010 has informed the City that there are hundreds of census jobs to be filled in Sonoma County for the 2010 Census. Pay scales are from $20 per hour. Interested Census job applicants can call the following number for more information about applying for a local job: 1-866-861-2010.