Friday, May 29, 2009

June 3rd Council meeting

The City Council agenda and packet materials for the meeting of June 3rd are posted on the following page:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Water Conservation Letter

This letter was recently mailed to all customers, urging water conservation in this time of Stage 2 Mandatory Water Conservation.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Disaster Council meeting report

The Sonoma Disaster Council met on May 14th and received 2 presentations.

Mark Netherda, Deputy Health Officer, Sonoma County, updated the council on the H1N1 Swine Flu. The detailed presentation included the method of transmission for this novel virus, history of pandemics world wide, and the five levels of criteria used to assess the severity of influenza to determine proper mobilization of resources to treat and control the disease. The good news for H1N1 is the rate of transmission is much lower than expected at this time. For more information, visit their website at

2-1-1 Call Centers Activated: Bill Myatt, Program Director of Sonoma County, reported on the level of response being received at call centers now that 2-1-1 was activated three months ago. While 911 is for emergencies, 2-1-1 callers can access many community services such as support for families, seniors and persons with disabilities, physical and mental health resources, and food and clothing to name a few. Prior to the 2-1-1 call centers going “live”, of those calls made to 911, only 35,000 out of 200,000 calls were real emergencies. Currently 2-1-1 services cover 85% of California with rural areas not yet covered; the goal is to have total coverage by 2012. So far in 2009, 14 million calls have been received nationwide, including Canada. With an excellent routing system, callers can be routed to different call centers (i.e. during the Louisiana hurricanes, calls were routed to Los Angles and San Francisco. Call Centers operate 24-7, 365 days a week.) During challenging economic times, the volume of calls has far exceeded what was anticipated. More information is available at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Redevelopment workshop

The City Council will hold a redevelopment workshop on Wednesday, May 13th at 6 p.m. in the Police Station Training Room/ Emergency Operations Center. The agenda is located here:

Friday, May 8, 2009

City Updates Disaster Plan

The City Council adopted a significant update to its Emergency Operations Plan. The Sonoma Disaster Council will hold its next meeting on May 14th and will hear an update on the Swine Flu issue. Click the press release for more information.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Climate Protection Conference in Sonoma

On May 7th, the City of Sonoma is hosting the Climate Protection - Everybody Profits Conference at the Veterans Memorial Building here in Sonoma. All are invited to attend!
Click here for more info.

The City of Sonoma and the Sonoma Ecology Center have been working with leaders around the county since August to bring world-class speakers and panelists to Sonoma for this fifth annual Climate conference. This year's conference has a slightly different focus. In addition to offering a showcase for actions to take in here and in the county to reduce our carbon footprint, we will present information on likely climate impacts and responses that might address these impacts. It also features a Sonoma-grown meal. We hope you can make it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 6th City Council meeting

The agenda and packet materials for the May 6th Council meeting are now posted on this page: