Friday, May 9, 2008

City Council actions from the meeting of May 7th

Council actions from the meeting of May 7th included:

  • At the request of Mayor Sanders, recognized foreign exchange student host families: The Molavi Family, host of Khairurrijal Adhad of Indonesia; The Dukes/Hodges Family, host of Sirush Khalatyan of Armenia; The Armstrong Family, host of Ben Brett of Germany
  • Council considered and requested more information regarding a joint powers agreement establishing a separate public agency to operate and maintain a public safety communication system in Sonoma County. Staff will return with this item at the May 21st Council meeting with more information.
  • As the Community Development Agency (CDA) Board, approved a community development loan for improvements at 400 First Street East, in the amount of $92,000, for development of restaurant improvements.
  • As the CDA Board, approved an increase in the façade matching grant program from $1,000 to $2,500 with a larger project category of $5,000 for larger business frontages.
  • Approved prezoning and annexation of 20144 Fifth Street East.
  • Authorized the call for bids for the City Hall Renovation Project, which includes repainting, recarpeting, cabinetry refinishing, ADA improvements and minor remodeling.
  • At the request of Mayor Sanders, discussed current graffiti abatement efforts and requested staff to research alternate funding sources for graffiti removal.
  • As the CDA Board, considered the CDA’s current affordable housing development opportunity sites, and directed staff to return to the Board with options for disposing of the Fifth Street West property; and pursue a low and very low income rental development, to serve as a model of water and energy conservation, at 19340 Sonoma Highway.
  • At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Brown, adopted a resolution opposing the California Department of Food and Agriculture Aerial Spray Program to eradicate the light brown apple moth.
  • At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Brown, adopted a resolution supporting H.R. 5844, Federal legislation to transfer Skaggs Island from the Department of the Navy to the National Fish and Wildlife Service for inclusion in the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge.