Friday, July 25, 2008

Actions from the Council meeting of July 16th

At its regular meeting of July 16th, the City Council's actions included the following:
  • Recognized the following Sonoma businesses for their participation in the Green Business Recognition Program: El Pueblo Inn, Friedman's Home Improvement, Wine Country Film Festival, Barking Dog Roasters, Sonoma Valley Bank and Haus.
  • Approved a continuation of the City-Chamber-County Joint Economic Development Program for another two years, with the City's financial contribution to the partnership lowered as a result of the County picking up a greater share of the cost with respect to the program's assistance to the Springs.
  • Awarded a consultant contract to Natural Logic of Berkeley to assist with implementing the City's environmental sustainability goals and resource conservation efforts, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.
  • Awarded a bid for the City Hall and Police Facility parking lot rehabilitation project to Pipeline Excavators, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $181,823.
  • Due to the City Hall parking lot rehabilitation project (above), authorized the Public Works Director to relocate the Tuesday night Farmers' Market to public street frontage on First Street East and First Street West (on Aug. 5th and 19th).
  • Approved the Community Services and Environment Commission recommendation to co-sponsor with Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition a "Bike Rally" at Depot Park on Saturday, September 6, 2008.
  • Approved a lease agreement to allow for the development of petanque courts at Depot Park.
  • Considered further modifications to the draft Mobile Home Conversion Ordinance, per the request of Council Member Barbose, and directed staff to add language to the ordinance indicating that a conversion to homeowner ownership is not to be undertaken for the purpose of avoiding rent control. The amended ordinance will be brought back to the Council meeting of August 20th.
  • Reviewed year two of the City's two-year budget and authorized major budget amendments to undertake environmental remediation of the old fire station, the City Hall renovation, and demolition of existing buildings at an site proposed for future affordable housing. The Council also adopted amendments adjusting General Fund expenditures downward by approximately $50,000 less than planned, in order to maintain a conservative fiscal approach in light of the State of California's budget crisis and its potential impact on city governments.
  • Decided to allow property owners in the former assessment districts of Fryer Creek and Sonoma Valley Oaks to apply for refunds on prior assessments paid. All residents in these areas will be receiving letters from the City within the next two weeks regarding this matter.
  • Directed staff to draft an ordinance providing for expanded neighbor and public notification requirements for new single family homes and residential additions in the Historic Overlay Zone, requested by Council Member Barbose.