Friday, October 3, 2008

Mayor's Office hours with Police Chief - Oct. 18th

Mayor Joanne Sanders has announced that she will hold a special "Open Office Hour" where she will be joined by Police Chief Bret Sackett. The Mayor explained that she planned the session "In order to be accessible to folks I may have missed with my weekly office hours and to enable people to meet and share concerns first hand with their Police Chief." It will be held on Saturday October 18, 2008 from 10:00 -11:30 a.m. at City Hall in the downstairs Council office. Visitors will be seen on a first come-first served basis or may call in advance to schedule a ten minute appointment. To schedule an appointment, contact Debra Rogers at 933-2218.

The Mayor has been conducting the once a week office hour since taking over as Mayor last December and has found it to be a highly effective forum for communicating with constituents. They are held every Monday between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. Due to attendance at an out of town conference on October 6 and the observance by City Hall of the Columbus Day Holiday on October 13, the regular office hour will not be held for the next two weeks, and will resume on Monday, October 20.