Friday, November 14, 2008

Upcoming Special Meetings

The City Council’s Cemetery Subcommittee is hosting a special Town Hall meeting on Thursday, December 4th at 5 p.m. to receive public opinion and input regarding the future of the City’s cemeteries. The City of Sonoma owns and operates three public cemeteries, the Mountain Cemetery, the Valley Cemetery and the Veterans Cemetery. The Cemetery Subcommittee, headed by Council Members August Sebastiani and Mayor Pro Tem Ken Brown, is interested in public sentiment on whether the cemeteries should remain as public assets owned by the City of Sonoma, or whether privatization of any or all of the cemeteries should be considered. The meeting will take place at the Community Meeting Room located at 177 First Street West, and public participation is encouraged.

A Water Study Session of the City Council, Planning Commission and Community Services and Environment Commission has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 10th at 6 p.m. City staff and the Sonoma County Water Agency will be presenting information regarding the water system and supply, demand projections, and water planning and development issues. The meeting will take place at the Sonoma Community Center located at 276 E Napa Street, and public participation is encouraged.