Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Eagle Scout Project

Milenka Bates, our Acting Public Works Administrator, recently informed me that congratulations and thanks were in order to Massimo Smaldino who recently completed an Eagle Scout project with the goal of educating people about the importance of not polluting our storm drains. The Eagle project entailed leading the placement of round white and blue plastic signage onto the cement above storm drains in designated residential areas of Sonoma. Printed in both English and Spanish, these markers read, “Drains to Creek (Desague Al Arroya) No Dumping (No Contamine).” The markers were permanently affixed using glue. The materials were provided by the City of Sonoma Public Works Department. This project fulfills the storm water best management practice guidelines for the City of Sonoma and we were very fortunate to have Massimo’s assistance!

Here's a photo of Massimo at work and another photo showing the drain marker.