Friday, February 29, 2008

March 5th agenda packet posted

The City Council's March 5th meeting agenda and packet materials are now posted on the City's website at:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Preview of March 5th Council agenda

For your information, here is a preview of some items we will be including on the March 5th Council meeting agenda.
1. Update on issues related to the Montini property
2. Resolution of opposition to Governor's proposed closure of State parks [requested by Mayor Pro Tem Brown]
3. Discussion of an Extended Producer Responsibility resolution (refers to waste management by product manufacturers) [requested by Councilmember Barbose]
4. Introduction of signage design for West Napa Street
5. Public Hearing to consider funding assistance for the Sonoma Valley Health Care District infrastructure improvements.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Next Council meeting

Our next regular Council meeting will be held on Wed., March 5th at 6 p.m. The agenda and information packet will be posted on-line this Friday and I will link them here when the documents are ready.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Businesses: learn how to "green" your property

Click the image to learn about a March 13 Business Environmenal Alliance workshop on "Greening" your property.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Applications being accepted for City Historian

This week, the City Council approved the creation of a volunteer City Historian position. Please click the image to read the resolution, which specifies the term of office and duties. Anyone interested in applying should contact City Clerk Gay Rainsbarger at

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Summary of Actions from Feb. 20th Council meeting

  • Preliminary discussion of expansion of city boundaries (Requested by Mayor Pro Tem Brown): After discussing the merits of continuing to study the issue of expanding the City’s boundaries to include the Springs community, the Council decided to table discussion of the matter at the present time.
  • Heard a Presentation by the Sonoma Valley Health Care District regarding their $45 million April 8th bond measure election. More information is available at
  • Review of City Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Action Plan: Council approved Plan D, directed staff to incorporate the Plan into the City’s budget and for the Council to review each measure as it is proposed. The Council agreed to focus on actions to reduce the City’s vulnerability to the escalation of energy costs. Plan D sets an aggressive target of 37.2% reduction of GHG emissions from City operations, through the use of solar energy and alternative fuel sources for fleet vehicles.
  • Consideration of amendments to the Xeriscape Ordinance: Council held first reading of the ordinance, which requires all new single family home construction to comply with the xeriscape landscaping requirements for new and re-landscaped front yards.
  • Consideration of Resolution creating a volunteer City Historian position: Council adopted the resolution establishing the position of City Historian, amending the term to a 2-year term, with eligibility for reappointment, and adding an additional responsibility of coordinating the acceptance of donations to the City of Sonoma of historical documents and items. Anyone wishing to apply for City Historian may contact City Clerk Gay Rainsbarger at

Friday, February 15, 2008

Agenda and packet for Feb. 20th meeting posted on-line

The complete electronic agenda packet for our next regular City Council meeting of Feb. 20th is now posted on line at The file size is 1.97 MB. The attachment for Item 6a - Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plan - is posted on the Current Reports page at

Thank you to City Clerk Gay Rainsbarger for coordinating the electronic upload of our reports.

Annexation issues report on line

The staff report regarding the potential expansion of City boundaries is now on-line at:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb. 20th Council meeting issues

Here's a preview of some of the items on our next Council meeting agenda of Feb. 20th:
  • Presentation by Sonoma Valley Hospital regarding April 8th bond election
  • Modification of the City's Xeriscape Ordinance
  • Discussion of the issue of annexation of the Springs
  • Creation of volunteer City Historian position

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission opening

The City is seeking a resident volunteer to represent the City of Sonoma on the Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission. The commission, which was formed to promote bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout Sonoma County, meets six times a year in Santa Rosa. Persons interested in this appointment must submit a completed City Commission Application form no later than 5:00 p.m. March 14, 2008 to the office of the City Clerk. Application forms may be picked up at City Hall, No. 1 The Plaza, Sonoma, or may be downloaded from the City’s website: For additional information, please contact:
Gay Rainsbarger, City Clerk
City Hall, No. 1 The Plaza

Friday, February 8, 2008

Digital mapping system now on-line

We are pleased to announce that a city-wide mapping system is now on-line and available to the public. Sonoma's Geographic Information System (GIS) provides instant access to property characteristics such as zoning, assessor's information and flood zone designation, as well as city-wide air photographs. To access this new service, use the following link:

Thursday, February 7, 2008

City Council meeting actions

Here is a wrap up of some of the more significant actions our Council took at last night’s meeting:

  • Presented a Mayoral proclamation to Robert Behrens, honoring his many contributions to the community, including designing the Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery, which has become one of the crown jewels of Sonoma.
  • Presented a Commendation honoring the Sonoma High School varsity basketball team and coach for their heroic act in rescuing Tom Mix from the creek while he was trying to save his dog during the recent storm.
  • As the Community Development Agency, discussed the reuse of the old Fire Station on Patten Street, and provided direction to staff to pursue the necessary environmental remediation work on the underground storage tank clean up, and return to the Agency Board with a request for qualifications (RFQ) for a potential hotel development at the site.
  • Accepted a design for new landscaping at the renovated Police Department and Community Meeting Room and directed the addition of more bicycle racks in the design.
  • Held first reading of an ordinance amending the Growth Management Ordinance reducing the allowed average rate of residential development from 88 units to 65 units per year.
  • Considered changes to the Xeriscape Landscaping Ordinance and directed staff to bring back further changes defining the trigger for application of the ordinance during re-landscaping.
  • At the request of Mayor Sanders, directed staff to bring back a resolution and process for creation of a volunteer City Historian position.
  • At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Brown, considered the role of the Sonoma Valley Citizen’s Advisory Commission’s participation in the Community Partnership for Youth, and took no action with respect to the Commission’s involvement in the Partnership.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Last minute polling place look-up

Need to locate where to vote Tuesday? Log on to the County Registrar's site and look up your polling place at

Friday, February 1, 2008

Agenda and Packet for Council Meeting of Feb. 6th

The City Council agenda and the agenda packet for the regular meeting of February 6th are now posted on the City's website at the following link:
The packet does not contain all of the non-electronically filed attachments since our scanner is not working properly right now; however, all of the summary agenda reports and most attachments are posted. The packet is 3.7 MB in file size.