Thursday, February 7, 2008

City Council meeting actions

Here is a wrap up of some of the more significant actions our Council took at last night’s meeting:

  • Presented a Mayoral proclamation to Robert Behrens, honoring his many contributions to the community, including designing the Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery, which has become one of the crown jewels of Sonoma.
  • Presented a Commendation honoring the Sonoma High School varsity basketball team and coach for their heroic act in rescuing Tom Mix from the creek while he was trying to save his dog during the recent storm.
  • As the Community Development Agency, discussed the reuse of the old Fire Station on Patten Street, and provided direction to staff to pursue the necessary environmental remediation work on the underground storage tank clean up, and return to the Agency Board with a request for qualifications (RFQ) for a potential hotel development at the site.
  • Accepted a design for new landscaping at the renovated Police Department and Community Meeting Room and directed the addition of more bicycle racks in the design.
  • Held first reading of an ordinance amending the Growth Management Ordinance reducing the allowed average rate of residential development from 88 units to 65 units per year.
  • Considered changes to the Xeriscape Landscaping Ordinance and directed staff to bring back further changes defining the trigger for application of the ordinance during re-landscaping.
  • At the request of Mayor Sanders, directed staff to bring back a resolution and process for creation of a volunteer City Historian position.
  • At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Brown, considered the role of the Sonoma Valley Citizen’s Advisory Commission’s participation in the Community Partnership for Youth, and took no action with respect to the Commission’s involvement in the Partnership.