Thursday, February 21, 2008

Summary of Actions from Feb. 20th Council meeting

  • Preliminary discussion of expansion of city boundaries (Requested by Mayor Pro Tem Brown): After discussing the merits of continuing to study the issue of expanding the City’s boundaries to include the Springs community, the Council decided to table discussion of the matter at the present time.
  • Heard a Presentation by the Sonoma Valley Health Care District regarding their $45 million April 8th bond measure election. More information is available at
  • Review of City Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Action Plan: Council approved Plan D, directed staff to incorporate the Plan into the City’s budget and for the Council to review each measure as it is proposed. The Council agreed to focus on actions to reduce the City’s vulnerability to the escalation of energy costs. Plan D sets an aggressive target of 37.2% reduction of GHG emissions from City operations, through the use of solar energy and alternative fuel sources for fleet vehicles.
  • Consideration of amendments to the Xeriscape Ordinance: Council held first reading of the ordinance, which requires all new single family home construction to comply with the xeriscape landscaping requirements for new and re-landscaped front yards.
  • Consideration of Resolution creating a volunteer City Historian position: Council adopted the resolution establishing the position of City Historian, amending the term to a 2-year term, with eligibility for reappointment, and adding an additional responsibility of coordinating the acceptance of donations to the City of Sonoma of historical documents and items. Anyone wishing to apply for City Historian may contact City Clerk Gay Rainsbarger at