Monday, March 24, 2008

March 19th Council Meeting actions

At the regular meeting of March 19th the City Council took the following actions:
  • Appointed George McKale as City Historian.
  • Received the mid-year budget review. Expenditures and revenues are proceeding as planned with no major surprises.
  • Approved a request for qualifications to be circulated to the development community and any parties interested in submitting a business proposal for the reuse of the old fire station on Patten Street and Broadway.
  • Chose not to award a bid for a consultant to formulate a strategic plan for Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue Authority. Staff will continue with the Standards of Coverage document and schedule a study session to discuss the joint powers agreement with the Valley of the Moon Fire Protection District.
  • Referred the issue of a use policy for the community meeting room to the Council's Facilities Committee.
  • Due to the lateness of the hour, deferred action on the disaster preparedness program agenda item, which will be taken up at the Council's next regular meeting on April 2nd.