Thursday, March 6, 2008

March 5th Council meeting actions

The City Council took the following actions at its meeting of March 5th:

  • Adopted an amendment to the Xeriscape Ordinance which requires all newly-constructed single-family homes to comply with the ordinance with respect to front yards
  • Appointed Mark Heneveld as a new member of the Planning Commission
  • Approved a Public Facilities Assistance Agreement with Sonoma Valley Health Care District to provide $267,000 in community development agency funding to allow for the replacement of the hospital’s failing generator and failing fire alarm control panel
  • Created an Ad Hoc Committee to participate in a mediation process regarding the Proposed Montini Preserve Trail, as requested by the Center of Collaborative Partnership, and appointed Council Member Barbose to the committee, with Mayor Pro Tem Brown serving as the Council alternate, with the Mayor to select one member of the Community Services and Environment Commission to also serve on the committee
  • Approved locating a monument sign within the sidewalk right-of-way at West Napa Street and First Street West, in order to help identify and draw attention to the businesses in that area
  • Adopted a Resolution supporting extended producer responsibility to hold producers responsible for universal waste products and other product waste management costs (item requested by Council Member Barbose)
  • Considered the Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Sonoma City Hall; Mayor Sanders asked people to contact her with any and all ideas and she will discuss the event with the City’s Historian and the City Manager (item requested by Mayor Sanders)
  • Revised City Council Norm Resolution No. 20-2007 to adopt a norm that prohibits communication by Council Members via cell phones, e-mail and text messaging during City Council meetings, with the exception of times for personal emergencies (item requested by Council Member Cohen)
  • Adopted a Resolution Supporting Save Our State Parks Campaign and Urging the State Legislature to Oppose the Governor’s Budget Proposal to Close 48 State Parks (item requested by Mayor Pro Tem Brown)