Saturday, April 19, 2008

City Council actions from April 16th meeting

At its regular meeting of April 16th, the City Council took the following actions:

  • Appointed Charles “Chip” Roberson to the Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee
  • Appointed Gary Edwards to the Planning Commission
  • Adopted the revised 2005 Urban Water Management Plan
  • Approved the 2007/2008 Water Conservation Program
  • Non Profit Funding Process – Discussed and directed the City Manager to set up a date, form an ad-hoc committee of Mayor Sanders and Mayor Pro Tem Brown, to tackle this difficult decision-making process; that the group comprise of city and county staff, non profit members, volunteers, interested parties, and people who have watched the process.
  • Bond Property – Allow the Sonoma Ecology Center access for a volunteer contractor to review and report back as to the nature and extent of problems found to exist at the Bond House, the range of cost to remedy such; and direct staff to provide a report explaining the legal parameters of the City being able to sell the house.
  • Discussion of City Manager Authority for City Purchasing and Contracts - The Council held discussion, took no action and maintained the City Manager’s purchasing authority set at $25,000.
  • Approved in concept a New Community Development Area Rehabilitation Loan Program to Fund Energy Efficiency Upgrades and Solar/photovoltaic installations on Commercial Properties in the Redevelopment Area – Directed staff to give priority to those providing matching funds, and a preference in forgiving the loan amounts in such cases where matching funds are provided.