Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 8th Workshop on Old Fire Station re-use

Sonoma Community Development Agency Sponsors Community Workshop on Old Fire Station Redevelopment                                          

CONTACT:  David Goodison, Planning Director, 938-3681

A Community Workshop on the redevelopment of the 32 Patten Street property will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2011 from 10 a.m. - noon at the old fire station building at 32 Patten Street.  The workshop is sponsored by the Sonoma Community Development Agency (or CDA, the City's redevelopment agency), which owns the property, and will be conducted by Foothill Partners, the developer selected to prepare a proposal for the site. 

Workshop objectives are to:

-  Review existing site conditions and applicable zoning regulations 

-  Review the history of the site, including previous public forums and actions, and CDA objectives for the site.

-  Provide the developer with feedback and suggestions from neighbors and other interested members of the community as to how the site should be re-used and redeveloped.

A workbook of additional background information has been prepared and is available on the City’s website at the following link:

Workbooks will also be printed and available at the meeting.

Doug Weile of Foothill Partners recently stated, “I regard myself as a guest in the community, as I am almost everywhere I work. My intent as a guest is to fit in – I’m not in Sonoma to change it, only to help the community achieve its goals. This is our track record elsewhere, and we intend no less for Sonoma. We’re grateful for the invitation of the City, grateful for the opportunity, and committed to doing well for Sonoma.”

Questions may be directed to Doug Wiele of Foothill Partners by calling 916-939-9890 or David Goodison, Planning Director, 707-938-3681.

An email address to receive comments on 32 Patten is being set up by Foothill Partners and will be active to receive messages beginning on Tuesday, October 4.  The address is