Thursday, October 27, 2011

Revenue Study Session Nov. 2nd

The Sonoma City Council will conduct a study session devoted entirely to the subject of revenues on Wednesday November 2, 2011, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room, 177 First Street West.  The City Council voted to conduct the study session back in August at the request of Mayor Laurie Gallian.  Mayor Gallian stated that in having the study session; it was her goal “to provide an opportunity for a comprehensive review of revenue sources with input from the public and all stakeholders”.

Topics discussed will include an overview of revenue sources of the City, history of major General Fund revenue sources, information regarding taxes, fees and other revenue sources, the impact of State proposals on revenue, and future revenue requirements and options for revenue development.

Mayor Gallian and the City Council invite all interested persons to attend and participate in the study session.