Tuesday, November 20, 2012


We have a number of transitions taking place in the City at the presesent time!  Today I am making posts regarding three significant transisions. Here is the first press release:

Sonoma City Manager Linda Kelly appointed as Windsor Town Manager

November 7, 2012 – Sonoma City Manager Linda Kelly has been appointed as the Town Manager of Windsor, effective December 13, 2012. Linda has served as the City Manager of Sonoma since January 2008, and has worked with the City Council and staff in managing through the recession and its impacts on the Sonoma economy.

“I am so proud of this community in how we have come together to face the recession and the loss of redevelopment funding. The passage of the Measure J local sales tax and the creation of the Sonoma Tourism Improvement District show commitment to finding locally-based solutions to our economic challenges. These measures represent the foundation for a stable future for Sonoma,” Linda stated. “I have appreciated the strong support of the City Council and the talented and dedicated staff of the City. Together, I feel we have strengthened the organization and our ability to implement community priorities such as public safety and infrastructure.”

Sonoma Mayor Joanne Sanders stated, “Linda has done a great job managing us through tough times. We understand this is a positive opportunity to further her career. Selfishly, I wish it wasn't happening the same time as my term is ending. We wish her well, know she will be a tremendous success and Windsor is lucky to have her!”